Silent Installation

Silent Installation includes the following topics:



  1. This chapter applies to 32-bit Windows and silent installation of the Java Runtime Environment (JRE).
  2. It is intended for:
    • system administrators who want to deploy Java Plug-in and the JRE on multiple PCs in the Intranet environment without user interaction;
    • companies with products that require the JRE, which they can silently install with their product.
  3. For the "Windows Installation" method (aka "install from the web"), only the /s option is required. For "Windows Offline Installation," you must include /s /v"/qn. See Install Formats for more information about installation types.
  4. There is no WEBSTARTICON=0 command-line option below, as there is for version 1.4.2. That is because version 1.5.0 (also known as 5.0) does not create a Java Web Start icon.


JavaTM 2 Platform Runtime Environment (JRE) installations are built using InstallShield Developer 8.02, which is based on Microsoft Window Installer 2.0. This product contains built-in support for silent or unattended installations. This document tells how to silently install the JRE. Refer to for complete information about silent installations.

Installation in Silent Mode

Here is the command line for installing in silent mode:

Window Installation:

<jre>.exe [/L<language ID>] /s [ADDLOCAL=jrecore[,extra][,other_US] | ALL] [IEXPLORER=1] [NETSCAPE6=1] [MOZILLA=1] [INSTALLDIR=<drive>:\<install_path>] [REBOOT=Suppress] [JAVAUPDATE=0] [CUSTOM=1]

Windows Offline Installation:

<jre>.exe [/L<language ID>] /s /v"/qn [ADDLOCAL=jrecore[,extra][,other_US] | ALL] [IEXPLORER=1] [NETSCAPE6=1] [MOZILLA=1] [INSTALLDIR=<drive>:\<install_path>] [REBOOT=Suppress] [JAVAUPDATE=0] [CUSTOM=1]"


<jre>.exe is the single executable installer for the Java Runtime Environment (JRE); /L<language ID>, if used, sets the localized language for the installer (see language IDs); ADDLOCAL, if used, is either jrecore[,extra][,other_US] or ALL; IEXPLORER=1, if used, indicates that the Plug-in should be registered with the Internet Explorer browser; NETSCAPE6=1, if used, indicates that the Plug-in should be registered with Netscape 6 or later browsers; MOZILLA=1 indicates that the Plug-in should be registered with Mozilla 1.1 and later browsers; INSTALLDIR, if used, specifies the drive and path of the installation; REBOOT=Suppress, if used, indicates that if locked files are encountered the computer should not be rebooted; JAVAUPDATE=0, if used, indicates that the Java Update feature should be disabled (the Update tab in the Java Control Panel will not appear); and if CUSTOM=1 is used, the user will only see the license agreement, which must be accepted, and the progress bar.

If ADDLOCAL=jrecore[,extra][,other_US] is used,

jrecore indicates the core of the JRE will be installed;

extra (optional) indicates additional Fonts, Colors, and Soundbank will be installed;

other (optional) indicates locale-specific .jar files will be installed.

If ADDLOCAL=ALL is used, then all the features will be installed.

If ADDLOCAL is not used, then only the recommended features will be installed: jrecore will be installed; extra will not be installed; other will be installed only if l10n support, other than English, is installed.

If INSTALLDIR is not specified, the installation will go into C:\Program Files\java\j2re1.5.0 (default location).


The command is case sensitive and there must be no spaces in the features listed with ADDLOCAL.


Suppose the JRE installer is j2re-1_5_0-bin-b99-windows-i586-12_aug_2003.exe; you want to install the JRE core and additional Fonts, Colors and Soundbank; you want to register the Plug-in with Netscape 7 and Mozilla 1.3; and you want to do a Windows Installation. Then the command would be:

j2re-1_5_0-bin-b99-windows-i586-12_aug_2003.exe /s ADDLOCAL=jrecore,extra NETSCAPE=1 MOZILLA=1

Or suppose you want all features to be installed; you only want to register the Plug-in with Internet Explorer; you want the installation on the D drive at java\jre; and you want to do a Windows Offline Installation. Then the command line would be:

j2re-1_5_0-bin-b99-windows-i586-12_aug_2003.exe /s /v"/qn ADDLOCAL=ALL IEXPLORER=1 INSTALLDIR=D:\java\jre"

You may find it convenient to use the "start /w" command, as that will cause MS-DOS to wait until the install is complete. The first example would then be:

start /w j2re-1_5_0-bin-b99-windows-i586-12_aug_2003.exe /s ADDLOCAL=jrecore,extra NETSCAPE=1 MOZILLA=1

Uninstallation in Silent Mode

This is the command line for uninstalling in silent mode for Implementation-Version n1.n2.n3_n4n5:

MsiExec.exe /qn /x {3248F0A8-6813-11D6-A77B-00B0D0n1n2n3n4n50}


  1. This command can be run from anywhere.
  2. The REBOOT=Suppress option, mentioned above under installation, may also be used with the uninstall command.
  3. For more information on version formats, see Appendix 2: Sun-Supported Specification-Version and Implemenation-Version Formats.

Example for version 1.5.0

MsiExec.exe /qn /x {3248F0A8-6813-11D6-A77B-00B0D0150000}

Example for version 1.5.1_02

MsiExec.exe /qn /x {3248F0A8-6813-11D6-A77B-00B0D0151020}

Creating a Log File

If you want to create a log file describing the installation/uninstallation, append /L C:\<path>setup.log to the install/uninstall command. The following is an example for installation:

Installation Example

j2re-1_5_0-bin-b99-windows-i586-12_aug_2003.exe /s /L C:\<path>setup.log

This will cause the log to be written to the setup.log file.

The following is an example for uninstalling:

Uninstalling Example

MsiExec.exe /qn /x {3248F0A8-6813-11D6-A77B-00B0D0150000} /L C:\<path>setup.log

To verify if a silent installation/uninstallation succeeded, scroll to the end of the log file.